Inspiration: Page 8


What If Entrepreneurs Flipped the Script and Operated From Abundance?

It can feel like there is never enough time, money, staff, resources or sleep. But an abundance script says, 'There is always enough.'

Growing a Business

At Girl Scouts, I Earned a Mug That Says, "I'm Thumbody!" Today It Reminds Me Why I'm In Sales.

At the age of 11, Jean Wright learned something important about herself.

Growing a Business

Improve Your Writing and Creativity with This Daily Tool

Daily Prompt helps you come up with innovative solutions to power your company forward.

Thought Leaders

6 Fundamental Business Lessons Every Entrepreneur Can Learn From Walt Disney

His success is all the more amazing when you learn how many times Walt Disney failed.

Growing a Business

When I Spent All My Money on an Apartment, a Leaky Pipe Taught Me an Essential Business Lesson

When something is truly your problem, you figure out how to fix it.

Starting a Business

Get Inspiration for Launching a Business From Successful Founders

Starter Story helps you find the inspiration and tools you need to launch your business.


Why Having 'Big Hairy Audacious Goals' is Key to Inspiring People and Nurturing a Growth Mentality

Your team can be your greatest asset when moving forward.

Growing a Business

When I Start to Get Overwhelmed With Work, I Look at This Postcard of Earth

One founder shares what helps her keep things in perspective.

Thought Leaders

Powerful Advice for Entrepreneurs From America's Greatest Risk Takers

These quotes from five signers of the Declaration of Independence show their wisdom lives on.

Thought Leaders

10 Books for the Aspiring Entrepreneur's Summer Reading List

Entrepreneurship isn't just about smarts and sweat. It's about the inspiration to stick it out from startup to sell-off. Use these books to motivate your journey and tickle your brain.

Thought Leaders

Celebrate Bob Dylan's Nobel Prize Win With These 20 Inspiring Quotes

The poet's wisdom will help to embrace your inner entrepreneur.

Growing a Business

My Dad Gave Me a Knife When I Was 11 to Help Him Work. That Knife Opened My World.

Pop couldn't pass on much, but what he did teach was priceless.


How Being a Teacher Prepared Me for the Pandemic

How one woman's experience at Teach for America helped her cope, in a new job, during the COVID-19 crisis.

Growing a Business

Floyd Mayweather On Greatness and Taking On YouTuber Logan Paul: 'I Kick Ass for Real, and I Make Money For Real'

The greatest boxer of our generation -- and arguably the best ever -- talks about what it took for him to maintain a perfect boxing record of 50-0 while earning well-over $1 billion as an entrepreneur.

Growing a Business

4 Lessons Entrepreneurs Can Learn From John Paul DeJoria's Rags-to-Riches Story

Those who have had to claw themselves up from nothing tend to have characteristics that all entrepreneurs should try to emulate.